This website is being updated to reflect the new departmental structures (PDF, 510KB) announced on Friday 1 November 2024.

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Registers of interests

A register of interests is important to be able to identify the potential conflicts of interest of councillors, councillor advisors, chief executive officers (CEO) and senior executive officers.

To view an extract of a councillors’ current register of interests visit the relevant council’s website.

Online register of interests forms

To make registering and updating your interests easy while improving transparency you can use the register of interests electronic form.

Complete the forms using a desktop computer so you can save your register file.

To help you complete the forms download the register of interest notes ( 236.3 KB).

This video shows you how to manage and update an existing register file.

Annual confirmation – due 30 July

All councillors and councillor advisors are required to check their registers of interests and confirm that it is up to date.

You must complete a confirmation for yourself and a separate one for each of your related persons, using the approved forms, and submit these to the CEO by 30 July each year.

Read the fact sheet on how to complete the annual reviews of registers of interests (PDF, 465KB) using the online form.

More information

For more information, contact your nearest regional office within the department.

Last updated: 25 Jan 2023