This website is being updated to reflect the new departmental structures (PDF, 510KB) announced on Friday 1 November 2024.

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Training and resources

Online resources are available to councillors and council staff in LG Central.

These resources provide information on accountability, decision-making and other responsibilities to help ensure councillors and council employees can deliver on the needs of our communities.

LG Leaders Program

Mandatory training

Under section 169A of the Local Government Act 2009 (LGA) and the City of Brisbane Act 2010 (CoBA), all Queensland local government councillors must complete approved councillor training about the responsibilities of councillors. The approved councillor training that all councillors must complete is the Compliance (Mandatory) module of the LG Leaders Program, which covers the following three topics:

  1. Code of Conduct;
  2. Registers of Interests; and
  3. Conflicts of Interests.

This approved councillor training must be completed in the period ending 6 months after the conclusion of the local government election. Serious penalties may apply for non-compliance including suspension and dismissal as outlined in sections 120 and 122 of the LGA. The department’s chief executive may extend the prescribed period if they are satisfied it would be appropriate in the circumstances.

Need access?

Councillor or CEO

All Councillors and CEOs have been given access to LG Central and an email has followed with instructions on how to access your account. Using your log in credentials, you can access LG Central at

Other type of council employee

If you’re a council employee who needs access, please:

For general assistance with accessing LG Central email or phone us on 07 3452 7148.

So you want to be a councillor: Mandatory candidate training

By becoming a councillor, or even just running for election or any subsequent by-election, you can make a positive difference to your local community. Queensland’s councils need councillors and mayors that reflect the diversity of our communities.

To run for mayor or councillor at the 2024 quadrennial election, you must complete the ‘So you want to be a Councillor’ course within six months of the nomination date , regardless of whether you are a sitting mayor or councillor, or whether you have done the course before.

If you are unable to do the training online, take a look at the regional information sessions you can attend in person, or contact us to find out about other options on 07 3452 7148 or via

Last updated: 28 Jun 2024