We manage legislation to create a framework that helps councils in Queensland deliver the best infrastructure and services for our local communities.
We implement the legislation through information-sharing, training, providing advice and developing policies like the councillor code of conduct to grow a positive council culture of strong, accountable decision-making and financial management.
Local Government (Councillor Conduct) and Other Legislation Amendment Act
The Local Government (Councillor Conduct) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 was passed by the Queensland Parliament on 15 November 2023 and received assent on 22 November 2023. Its provisions commenced on 22 November 2023.
Superannuation amendments for local government
The arrangements for Queensland local government superannuation are changing from 1 July 2024 to remove the requirement for mandatory personal employee contributions.
Local government electoral expenditure caps scheme
The local government electoral expenditure caps scheme introduces caps on electoral spending for all participants in Queensland local government elections.
Online training modules are available to councillors and employees of councils on LG Central, your Local Government Knowledge Centre.
The department administers local government legislation, including the Local Government Act 2009, City of Brisbane Act 2010 and Local Government Electoral Act 2011.
Delegated decision-making
Councils can delegate many of their decisions so that they can focus on strategic issues, or when needed because councillors have conflicts of interest and cannot participate in decision-making.
Council local laws
Legislation empowers councils to make local laws such as on parking matters, to achieve the purpose and principles of local government.
Resources for CEOs and council officers
Access Local Government best practice guidelines, sample policies, checklists, templates, FAQs and training opportunities to help CEOs and council employees comply with legislative requirements.
For more information you can also contact your nearest regional office.
Councillor accountability and information
Read information to help mayors and councillors meet their responsibilities and deliver strong leadership for Queensland communities.
For more information you can also contact your nearest regional office.
Independent Assessor
The Office of the Independent Assessor (OIA) can investigate complaints about alleged integrity offences, misconduct and potential corrupt conduct.
Councillor Conduct Tribunal
The Councillor Conduct Tribunal is an independent body, similar to a Court, responsible for dealing with complaints of councillor misconduct referred after investigation by the Independent Assessor.
Crime and Corruption Commission
Corrupt conduct by a councillor is defined in section 15 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001, including fraud, theft, and deliberately breaching conflicts of interest requirements, and can be referred directly to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC).
Councillor remuneration
The Local Government Remuneration Commission is an independent body responsible for deciding the maximum amount of remuneration that can be paid to councillors (other than councillors at Brisbane City Council). It can also provide advice to the Minister for Local Government about other related matters.
Council grants to community organisations
Councils can administer grant programs to help local community organisations, but must also have a grants policy and comply with other grants legislative requirements to ensure fair and accountable decision-making.
Local government elections
Local government general elections are held every four years, and on the same date for all 77 councils across Queensland. By-elections or other processes can be used to fill councillor vacancies that occur between elections.
Queensland Local Government Grants Commission
The Commission provides recommendations to the Minister responsible for local government in Queensland on the distribution of the Commonwealth Government’s Financial Assistance Grant to local governing bodies.
Local Government Change Proposals (Local Government Change Commission)
The department has approved the Guide to local government change proposals that outlines the Government’s policy in relation to local government change proposals and provides advice to proponents in the preparation of their submissions to the Minister.
More information
For more information, contact your nearest regional office within the department.
Last updated: 14 Jun 2024