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Local Government Remuneration Commission

The Local Government Remuneration Commission (the Commission) is established under the Local Government Act 2009.

The Commission is an independent body, made up of a Chair and Casual Commissioners, appointed by the Governor in Council.

The Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers provides administrative and secretariat assistance to the Commission to enable it to effectively perform its responsibilities.


Under the Act, the functions of the Commission are:

  1. to establish the categories of local governments
  2. to decide the category to which each local government belongs
  3. to decide the maximum amount of remuneration payable to the councillors in each of the categories;
  4. to consider and make recommendations to the Minister about matters relating to councillor advisors; and
  5. another function related to the remuneration of councillors directed, in writing, by the Minister.

The categories are reviewed every four years, while the remuneration is reviewed annually.

Category Review

The Commission is responsible for establishing and reviewing the categorisation of councils for the purpose of setting maximum remuneration levels for councillors and mayors. The last category review was completed in 2023 and the report was published in the Local Government Remuneration Commission Annual Report 2023 ( 908.7 KB).

The Commission is required to review the categories of local governments during each local government term. The next category review will occur before the next local government elections in 2028.


The decisions and activities of the Commission, including the current remuneration categories for Queensland councils, are published in the Local Government Remuneration Commission Annual Report 2024 ( 780.9 KB).

Previous publications

Local Government Remuneration Commission

Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal

The Commission acknowledges the substantive contribution of the 2007-2019 former Tribunal/s to develop the local government remuneration schedule and category system. This work has been documented in each of the previous reports, including the established of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal in 2007 as an Independent body to determine remuneration for 72 councils in Queensland.


For all enquiries regarding the Commission, please contact

Last updated: 06 Jan 2025