Local Government Remuneration Commission – Category review
The Local Government Remuneration Commission (the Commission) is required under the Local Government Regulation 2012 to establish remuneration categories for local governments and undertake a review of the established categories once during each local government term (‘a category review’).
The review process will include consultation with councils and other stakeholders that will be used to further shape the development of the category framework
The Local Government Regulation 2012 requires the Local Government Remuneration Commission to review the categories of local government once every four years, to be completed in the year prior to the quadrennial election, to determine whether the categories and the assignment of local government to those categories require amendment.
The determination of maximum remuneration is a distinct task from the category review.
You can view the consultation paper ( 365.9 KB) for further details.
Consultation continues with the outcome intended to be released October 2023.
The outcome from the determination of the maximum remuneration for each category will come into effect 1 July 2024.
To provide feedback, please contact the Commission Secretariat at LGRCenquiries@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au
Frequently asked questions
Legislation (Local Government Regulation 2012) requires that the Commission review the categories of local government at least once during each term of appointment. The last review occurred in 2019, at which time the Commissioners deemed no changes to the categories.
The Commission is mindful of the changing landscape in which local governments operate. They are aware of the ongoing methods of operation for mayors and councillors continue to change.
The Commission consider a range of factors in determining the category review including geographical, environmental, population dispersion, socio economic aspects, budget capacity and service provision of local governments.
The category review must be complete to satisfy the relevant legislation, however importantly it is to ensure that a framework is developed that is repeatable, transparent and appropriate to enable a council to be correctly assigned to a category with similar councils.
The last change to the categories occurred in 2015.
The category review will include consultation with councils and other stakeholders. A preliminary paper will provide the foundations of the Commissions proposed framework along with their supporting evidence for change.
The project will move into the consultation phase in July 2023. The intent is to provide sufficient time for the sector to provide considered responses to the preliminary paper.
Feedback to the preliminary paper is encouraged and the commission will consider all submissions.
Any change to the categories will be relevant to determine the maximum remuneration for that category to commence from 1 July the following year.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2023