This website is being updated to reflect the new departmental structures (PDF, 510KB) announced on Friday 1 November 2024.

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2024-27 Works for Queensland Program

The $300 million 2024-27 Works for Queensland Program (W4Q) funding round will support the 65 councils outside of South East Queensland (SEQ) to deliver local projects that create jobs, deliver better infrastructure and services, and improve the lives of Queenslanders now and into the future.

This brings the total W4Q commitment from the State since 2016 to $1.1 billion.

The aim of 2024-27 W4Q is to provide funding to non-SEQ councils to deliver infrastructure, planning, maintenance and capability development projects which:

  • support essential services, or
  • contribute to community economic development or council sustainability.

These projects enable councils to further drive local employment opportunities and provide liveable communities where Queenslanders want to work, live and play.

All successful 2024-27 W4Q projects have been endorsed and  must be completed by 30 June 2027. We will not consider extensions beyond 30 June 2027 and councils will need to return any unspent funds to the department.


Councils are required to provide photographs of projects prior to project commencement and at project completion.

You will need to submit quarterly progress and completion reports for all endorsed projects.

Use the eGrant portal to provide quarterly reports on endorsed projects.

Upon project completion, you will be required to provide proof of expenditure and must include copies of a general ledger extract for relevant project detail payments that indicate monies spent in the delivery of the project.


More information


Last updated: 01 Oct 2024