Local Government Comparative Reports
Each year the department collects information from local governments about the key services they provide and publishes it in the Queensland local government comparative information report. The report includes a suite of efficiency, effectiveness and quality-of-service indicators covering the following key functional and financial areas of local government:
- financial - revenue, expenditure, borrowing and asset management data
- personnel - employees utilised indoors and outdoors
- road lengths, maintenance and capital expenditure
- water services and charges
- sewerage services and charges
- waste management - domestic and commercial/industrial
- library services
- parks and gardens - cost per hectare to maintain.
The majority of this information is sourced directly from individual council responses to the annual Consolidated Data Collection, completed each November. Where the report provides data that has been obtained from another source, this has been noted.
Local governments can use this information to compare their performance in relation to other councils, particularly those that have similar characteristics. This comparison process is a valuable tool in initiating and continuing improvement processes in local government. For the community, it provides an opportunity to make appropriate comparisons between relevant councils.
Please note the report does not rank local governments. There are many different factors and challenges affecting local governments and influencing their operations and service delivery. Some of these influencing factors may be outside council control – for example, climate, terrain and remoteness - and must be taken into account when making comparisons between local government services across Queensland.
From 2013–14, information is available for all councils who have submitted data, including Indigenous and de-amalgamated councils. For all previous years, this is not available (with the exception of Aurukun and Mornington Shire Councils, which have historically been included).
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2022–23:
- Copyright and glossary ( 29.6 KB)
- Financial input ( 31.3 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 30.3 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 26.5 KB)
- 2023–24 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2022–23 residential rating ( 59.9 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 27.0 KB)
- 2023–24 general rate and 2022–23 general rate ( 269.6 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 28.8 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 20.4 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 31.0 KB)
- 2023–24 water sewer charges and 2022–23 water sewer charges ( 113.9 KB)
- Trade waste ( 24.8 KB)
- Personnel data ( 21.2 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 33.7 KB)
- Road data ( 37.1 KB)
- Waste input ( 20.1 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 30.3 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 25.9 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2021–22:
- Copyright and glossary ( 29.0 KB)
- Financial input ( 33.7 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 31.7 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 26.6 KB)
- 2022–23 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2021–22 residential rating ( 65.2 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 28.6 KB)
- 2022–23 general rate and 2021–22 general rate ( 254.5 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 30.7 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 20.2 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 31.8 KB)
- 2022–23 water sewer charges and 2021–22 water sewer charges ( 107.9 KB)
- Trade waste ( 26.4 KB)
- Personnel data ( 22.4 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 33.4 KB)
- Road data ( 31.9 KB)
- Waste input ( 19.8 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 21.7 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 25.1 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2020–21:
- Copyright and glossary ( 28.9 KB)
- Financial input ( 31.5 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 32.4 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 27.8 KB)
- 2021–22 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2020–21 residential rating ( 69.5 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 27.7 KB)
- 2021–22 general rate and 2020–21 general rate ( 248.6 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 32.6 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 21.7 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 32.9 KB)
- 2021–22 water sewer charges and 2020–21 water sewer charges ( 99.9 KB)
- Trade waste ( 24.9 KB)
- Personnel data ( 20.9 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 33.5 KB)
- Road data ( 32.8 KB)
- Waste input ( 20.7 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 31.1 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 25.4 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2019–20:
- Copyright and glossary (XLS, 31 KB)
- Financial input (XLS, 31 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) (XLS, 32 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) (XLS, 28 KB)
- 2020–21 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2019–20 residential rating (XLS, 69 KB)
- Rate revenue (XLS, 26 KB)
- 2020–21 general rate and 2019–20 general rate (XLS, 250 KB)
- Separate special rates (XLS, 33 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy (XLS, 22 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections (XLS, 33 KB)
- 2020–21 water sewer charges and 2019–20 water sewer charges (XLS, 99 KB)
- Trade waste (XLS, 24 KB)
- Personnel data (XLS, 32 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs (XLS, 32 KB)
- Road data (XLS, 31 KB)
- Waste input (XLS, 21 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs (XLS, 31 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs (XLS, 27 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2018–19:
- Copyright and glossary (XLS, 30 KB)
- Financial input (XLS, 27 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) (XLS, 26 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) (XLS, 24 KB)
- 2019–20 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2018–19 residential rating (XLS, 61 KB)
- Rate revenue (XLS, 22 KB)
- 2019–20 general rate and 2018–19 general rate (XLS, 240 KB)
- Separate special rates (XLS, 31 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy (XLS, 20 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections (XLS, 27 KB)
- 2019–20 water sewer charges and 2018–19 water sewer charges (XLS, 100 KB)
- Trade waste (XLS, 23 KB)
- Personnel data (XLS, 17 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs (XLS, 30 KB)
- Road data (XLS, 30 KB)
- Waste input (XLS, 22 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs (XLS, 28 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs (XLS, 22 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2017–18:
- Copyright and glossary ( 30 KB)
- Financial input ( 27 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 27 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 24 KB)
- 2018–19 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2017–18 residential rating ( 59 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 23 KB)
- 2018–19 general rate and 2017–18 general rate ( 231 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 31 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 20 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 27 KB)
- 2018–19 water sewer charges and 2017–18 water sewer charges ( 90 KB)
- Trade waste ( 20 KB)
- Personnel data ( 17 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 30 KB)
- Road data ( 30 KB)
- Waste input ( 18 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 27 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 22 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2016–17:
- Copyright and glossary ( 29 KB)
- Financial input ( 26 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 27 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 23 KB)
- 2017–18 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2016–17 residential rating ( 64 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 24 KB)
- 2017–18 general rate and 2016–17 general rate ( 231 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 31 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 18 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 28 KB)
- 2017–18 water sewer charges and 2016–17 water sewer charges ( 85 KB)
- Trade waste ( 24 KB)
- Personnel data ( 17 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 29 KB)
- Road data ( 32 KB)
- Waste input ( 18 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 26 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 23 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2015–16:
- Copyright and glossary ( 23 KB)
- Financial input ( 28 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 26 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 23 KB)
- 2016–17 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2015–16 residential rating ( 63 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 24 KB)
- 2016–17 general rate and 2015–16 general rate ( 233 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 31 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 18 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 27 KB)
- 2016–17 water sewer charges and 2015–16 water sewer charges ( 85 KB)
- Trade waste ( 24 KB)
- Personnel data ( 18 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 29 KB)
- Road data ( 29 KB)
- Waste input ( 18 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 26 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 23 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2014–15:
- Copyright and glossary ( 24 KB)
- Financial input ( 28 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 25 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 21 KB)
- 2015–16 residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2014–15 residential rating ( 60 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 22 KB)
- 2015–16 general rate and 2014–15 general rate ( 220 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 29 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 18 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 26 KB)
- 2015–16 water sewer charges and 2014–15 water sewer charges ( 74 KB)
- Trade waste ( 24 KB)
- Personnel data ( 16 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 27 KB)
- Road data ( 29 KB)
- Waste input ( 17 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 24 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 20 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2013–14:
- Copyright and glossary ( 24 KB)
- Financial input ( 26 KB)
- Financial performance indicators (PIs) (1) introduction and PIs (1) ( 25 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and PIs (2) ( 20 KB)
- 2014–15 Residential rating introduction and residential rating and 2013–14 residential rating ( 56 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 22 KB)
- 2014–15 General rate and 2013–14 general rate ( 211 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 29 KB)
- Rating levy period and discount policy ( 18 KB)
- Water and sewerage connections ( 24 KB)
- 2014–15 Water sewer charges and 2013–14 water sewer charges ( 62 KB)
- Trade waste ( 21 KB)
- Personnel data ( 16 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and PIs ( 27 KB)
- Road data ( 29 KB)
- Waste input ( 16 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and PIs ( 23 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and PIs ( 20 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2012–13:
- Copyright and glossary ( 330 KB)
- Financial input ( 48 KB)
- Financial PIs (1) introduction and Financial PIs (1) ( 58 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and Financial PIs (2) ( 56 KB)
- 2013-14 Residential Rating introduction, 2013-14 Residential Rating and 2012-13 Residential Rating ( 156 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 67 KB)
- 2013-14 General rate and 2012-13 General rate ( 581 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 296 KB)
- Rating Levy Period & Discount Policy ( 273 KB)
- Water and Sewerage connections ( 284 KB)
- 2013-14 Water sewer charges and 2012-13 Water sewer charges ( 364 KB)
- Trade waste ( 322 KB)
- Personnel data ( 307 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and Personnel PIs ( 318 KB)
- Road data ( 47 KB)
- Waste input ( 308 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and Waste PIs ( 316 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and Parks PIs ( 129 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2011–12:
- Copyright, introduction and glossary ( 178 KB)
- Financial input ( 41 KB)
- Financial PIs (1) introduction and Financial PIs (1) ( 35 KB)
- Financial PIs (2) introduction and Financial PIs (2) ( 33 KB)
- Residential Rating introduction, 2012-13 Residential Rating and 2011-12 Residential Rating ( 147 KB)
- Rate revenue ( 34 KB)
- 2012-13 General rate and 2011-12 General rate ( 434 KB)
- Separate special rates ( 61 KB)
- Water connections and Sewerage connections ( 39 KB)
- 2012-13 Water sewer charges and 2011-12 Water sewer charges ( 122 KB)
- Trade waste ( 44 KB)
- Personnel data ( 25 KB)
- Personnel PIs introduction and Personnel PIs ( 34 KB
- Road data ( 42 KB)
- Waste input ( 27 KB)
- Waste PIs introduction and Waste PIs ( 34 KB)
- Parks PIs introduction and Parks PIs ( 29 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2010–11 ( 4.0 MB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2009–10 ( 4.2 MB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2008–09:
- Volume 1 - Regional councils - Part A ( 2.77 MB)
- Volume 1 - Regional councils - Part B ( 1.24 MB)
- Volume 2 - Continuing councils - Part A ( 1.88 MB)
- Volume 2 - Continuing councils - Part B ( 902 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2007–08:
- Volume 1 - Regional Councils - Part A ( 3.58 MB)
- Volume 1 - Regional Councils - Part B ( 1.87 MB)
- Volume 2 - Continuing Councils - Part A ( 2.45 MB)
- Volume 2 - Continuing Councils - Part B ( 980 KB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2006–07 ( 5.6 MB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2005–06 ( 2.1 MB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2004–05 ( 2.7 MB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2003–04 ( 2.4 MB)
Download the Queensland local government comparative information for 2002–03 ( 1.4 MB)
Last updated: 25 Jan 2023